Revere brings Being

On their next collection, Revere brings us to a place where we can get in touch with our Being. 

Creative Director French Andico says that the collection is a summary of his recent reflections. Andico recently spent significant time hiking in the mountains of Mindanao, a hobby the Andicos are known for in Davao City. 


This release features four shirts designed by Criminal Hoarde, a Coach Jacket that tells you to "Calm the Fuck Down", and Revere's first Excursion Neck Wallet, and Pilgrimage Sandals, a collaboration with outdoor brand Tro-Peak—a tribute to the outdoor enthusiasts of the Philippines. 


During French's recent hikes he began contemplating the works of philosophers like Martin Heidegger, Carl Jung, Zhou Dunyi, and Lao Tzu. This lineup of thinkers, says Andico, make up a good Eastern and Western thought balance. 


Looking down on civilization, one can't help but think about all the bullshit that we all deal with on a daily basis. The stresses of following chatter and trends can get so tiring to live with. That in order to get over these things, you need a spiritual massage—a time when we can sit back and touch the uncanny strangeness of everything. 


Up on the mountains, you can sit and think about what you just went through—using your might to climb, restoring your strength in stillness, there and back again—the yin and the yang and how the interaction between man and nature is the source of reality and actual existence. 


In their previous releases, Revere spoke about the War Against the self. With their current collection, they took the deep adventure of confronting this war. What they found in the aftermath is the awakening of the consciousness that can only happen when you confront the matters you fear and avoid the most. 


Through the darkest corners of our subconscious, we face our truest selves and learn that every Being is part of a collective. That every Being is personal as it is universal. It is when we take a walk outside the orbit of our routines that we learn about the unity of Being. We were thrown into the world to get sucked into the nothingness, and it is what we do with our Being that enables us to overcome this reality of being thrown before the nothingness claims us. 

In a way, we know a lot of these already. So instead of writing a new philosophy book. or building a new temple, Revere instead brings Being. 


 Photos by Daryl Nacario

Launch Date: SEPTEMBER 28, 2019

Available Online and at Case Study Atelier (BGC)